Sailor Moon Quotes to Empower Women and Girls

 After reading these Sailor Moon quotes, you'll be motivated to make changes. Sailor Moon, also known as Usagi Tsukino, is a superhero who can transform into a typical schoolgirl and then the leader of the Sailor Soldiers. Who would have thought that a Japanese TV program would be well-liked abroad? The enormously popular Sailor Moon is the ideal illustration of what happened. Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon was the original Japanese name of the program; Sailor Moon was the American abbreviation. Since 1997, the series has been shown outside of Japan in the USA, Australia, and even Europe.

Teenagers may be seen dressing up as Sailor Moon, the main character of the anime series created by Naoko Takeuchi, at almost any anime event. This series has the advantage of appearing to be entertaining. Additionally, it seems to be growing, incorporating fresh viewpoints and intriguing characters while preserving Sailor Moon's attractiveness. No matter what culture they come from, it is interesting to see these characters grow and engage in conflict in pursuit of the justice that so many superheroes are dedicated to. From this well-known manga series, a few famous quotes are included here. Sailor Moon was first introduced to the world through a Japanese manga, even though the majority of Western audiences are only familiar with the English-language anime adaptation.

Best Sailor Moon quotes

No matter how much you change, please don’t forget some people care for you. – Sailor Moon

I shall never doubt the power of innocent dreamers. I shall never doubt the dreams of innocent children. – Queen Nehelenia

I’m going to be my own kind of princess. – Sailor Moon

There’s always sadness in our lives. It’s that sad feeling that keeps us going. – Sailor Moon

One more point would’ve gotten me a perfect grade, but I guess I didn’t study enough. – Sailor Mercury

A future is something that you make yourself. You have to believe in it. – Sailor Mercury

Mamoru, every one of us has starred in our hearts, and you know that the star is shining when you feel that heat. – Sailor Moon

I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice! On behalf of the moon, I will right wrong and triumph over evil, and that means you! – Sailor Moon

Without the bad times, we wouldn’t appreciate the good times. – Sailor Moon

Holding you close and giving you kisses aren’t the only symbols of love. Watching over someone from afar is a kind of love, too. – Sailor Pluto

I won’t let you take advantage of women! Here’s the Mars Power Flame of Anger! – Sailor Mars

Click here to read: Best 100+ Funniest Anime Quotes That Will Make You Laugh All the Time

I will never throw my dream away, and I will never be old again. – Queen Nehelenia

Sometimes I can’t even sleep because I love someone too much. – Sailor Moon

All alone – I’ll cherish living all alone forever with my dreams. I’ll be beautiful always. I will be forever young and beautiful. – Queen Nehellenia

There’s a deafening silence coming closer. Something terrible is going to happen. To avoid it, we need to have these powerful pure hearts. I hate the thought of sacrificing life, but if it helps to save the rest of the world, then I must! Well? Well, what would you do? – Amara

Even when we disappear and a new Sailor Senshi is born, Sailor Moon, you will always be invincible. The most beautiful shining star. – Tuxedo Mask

Short Sailor Moon Quotes

Be pure, be honest, and be beautiful. – Sailor Mercury

Who wants that? I’d rather choose to fall in love and be hurt. – Sailor Moon

Believe in yourself and nothing can stop you. – Sailor Venus

If a soldier’s pride means hurting one another, I don’t want it. – Sailor Moon

It’s not nice to pick on people weaker than you. – Sailor Jupiter

Please stop talking about math when I’m eating. – Sailor Venus

Pull yourself together, Serena! This is no time for crying! – Sailor Moon

I’ll punish you in high heels!- Sailor Mars

I’ll just warn you now, I don’t know how to use a computer. – Sailor Moon

Oh no, her beautiful dream! – Fish Eye

Very impressive, you didn’t land a single punch. – Prince Darien

Never doubt your worst nightmare. – Zirconia

Thinking isn’t going to get us anywhere. – Sailor Moon

Are all former rock stars as loony as you? – Sailor Uranus

I’ll punish you in high heels! – Sailor Mars

Sailor Moon Captions For Instagram

It’s the simple things that matter.

The faults of a superior person are like the sun and moon. They have their faults, and everyone sees them; they change and everyone looks up to them. Confucius

When the moon is not full, the stars shine more brightly.

I ignored your aura but it grabbed me by the hand like the moon pulled the tide, and the tide pulled the sand. –Talib Kweli

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. — Buddha

You’re so unfair, Michiru…To leave into your own world…Don’t leave me alone…-Haruka Tenoh/Sailor Uranus

Gray hairs seem to my fancy like the soft light of the moon, silvering over the evening of life. Jean Paul

I always wondered if you clone your wife and have the cloned wife on the moon and the real wife down here, would that be considered cheating.

The moon is nothing but a circumambulating aphrodisiac divinely subsidized to provoke the world into a rising birth rate. – Christopher Fry

I still say, ‘Shoot for the moon; you might get there.’ – Buzz Aldrin

We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine.-H. L. Mencken

Moon! Moon! I am prone before you. Pity me, and drench me in loneliness.-Amy Lowell

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.-Les Brown

Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that. –Coolio


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